Who is a candidate for Lithotripsy? :::::::

What is a Kidney Stone? Causes And Types Of Stones What Are The Symptoms Of Kidney Stones? How Are Kidney Stones Diagnosed? What Are The Treatment Options For Kidney Stones? How Can Kidney Stones Be Prevented? Types of Stones Treating Kidney Stones with the Lithotripsy Technology How the Lithotripter
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Who is a candidate for Lithotripsy?

A preliminary evaluation by your urologist is required to determine if you are a candidate for lithotripsy treatment. Tests include blood and urine analysis, bacteriological studies, x-rays, and EKG, and possibly special studies of kidney function.

Patients with the following conditions are usually NOT considered candidates for lithotripsy:

The kidney with the stone has little or no function.

A urinary tract infection that can not be cleared with antibiotics.

Marked obstruction of the urinary tract is present which would prevent passage of the stone fragments.

Female of childbearing years with lower ureteral stones.

Uncorrectable bleeding disorders.

Uncorrected high blood pressure.

Other factors considered are the size, location, and number of stones, as well as your overall physical condition. Your urologist is skilled at determining if you are a good candidate for lithotripsy. Stones in the prostate gland and the gallbladder are not candidates for lithotripsy at this time.

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