Pancreatic Stones :::::::

Pancreas and Pancreatic Diseases What Are Pancreatic Duct Stones What Are Pancreatic Duct Stone Symptoms Treatment Options for Pancreatic Duct Stones What is Lithotripsy for Pancreatic Stones How the Lithotripter Works What to Expect After the Lithotripsy Treatment
Gastrointestinal tract picture for reference of terms What is an ERCP? Lithotripter equipment Informational Video Links Medications that may delay treatment

Prior To Procedure

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is successfully utilized to crush pancreatic stones that are otherwise unable to be extracted from the pancreatic duct.  The combination of ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography) and ESWL effectively facilitates the management of chronic pancreatitis. 

Obstruction of the pancreatic duct by a stone can occur during the course of chronic pancreatitis and usually increases the frequency and severity of pain attacks, leading to an increase in hospital admissions and narcotic requirements.

Pancreatic ESWL is currently being performed by;
                Dr. Giuseppe Aliperti, MD
                Dr. Steven Edmundowicz, MD
                Dr. Banke Agarwal, M.D.

12166 Old Big Bend Road,
Suite 110,
St. Louis, MO 63122
(314) 835-1549
(314) 835-0069

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